Learning another language boosts your brain power
In a study, monthly brain scans were taken of a large group of college students,
In a study, monthly brain scans were taken of a large group of college students,
In the age of globalization, language learning gives you a competitive edge. Not only does
A study that compared teaching Spanish-speaking students English vocabulary using a song or a spoken
A study using an artificial language adds to evidence that new vocabulary is learned more
Good active listening skills will help you win friends and become successful in any career.
Many years ago, during the pre-Internet days, mastering a new language would require you to
If you’re a foreign language learner who’s still letting out a ‘Uhm’ or an ‘Ah’
Musicians and people who are bilingual have long been shown to have a better working
We don’t deliberately practice our memories of events — not as a rule, anyway. But
Today, let’s talk about the principle which is that of generation – that if you
Distributed practice is more effective than massed practice It has long been known that
It’s important to keep in mind the importance of individual difference. For instance, there’s a
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