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How do people learn languages? Language study habits infographic

Self-learners can feel very lonely. It’s hard to gather motivation to persevere faced with convoluted grammatical concepts, and tones of vocabulary piling up in your SRS database. Over time you develop study habits and study schedule and may wonder — am I the only one who studies this way?

There are countless Facebook groups and reddit forums to help you connects with other language fans. If you have ever been to one you might have come across language evangelists who not just swear by their specific learning approaches, but also dismiss what others do. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all study style 🤷‍♀️

That said, thousands of people have achieved progress with LinguaLift in shorter time then they expected. You can join them too.

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Anyway, we were really curious to see how these successful LinguaLift users approach language learning — are there any trends, commonalities, surprising discoveries? Looks like our students also love data, because they had no problems supplying us with a lot of answers. All the replies served as input to create this wonderful infographic (yes, you can applaud me now).

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More cool data described below the infographic!

Language learning habits

There were a few other questions we asked that didn’t make their way to the infographic, sorry!

The ability to study anywhere achieved importance of 6.99 (ok, let’s make it 7) on a 1-10 scale. Surprisingly almost 1/5 of the respondents said they “don’t really care” about it.

Perhaps the most interesting question we asked was about the one thing you can’t study without. A fair number of answers specified things related to the:

  • environment: comfy chair, blanket, or a quiet place. Other answers that can be included in this category are cat plush and miserable weather 😹
  • study aids and technology: pencil, scratch paper, laptop, internet, headphones. One person mentioned poems — how artistic!
  • food and drinks: full belly, snacks, water, tea, coffee — yup, we can empathise with the latter for sure! Chocolate 🍫, iced latte, and cucumbers were each mentioned once too.

A few very specific answers that were hard to categorise were: anime, hairpin, my jacket, clothes (fair point, better study in clothes!).

Three people mentioned dogs, and one of the students exclaimed: “I am bound by no object”.

No doubt we learned a lot from this exercise!

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