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Incorporate your language learning into your life

Think of learning language as something that becomes a part of your life rather than something to set time for like a school subject. 

One way to do this is switching the media you consume to your target language. You could also try to find a friend group that speaks your target language.

Find ways to learn on the go

The advantage of the modern world is you can take your study materials and content with you wherever you go. 

If you’re a person who generally has little time to sit at a desk and study (or even if you’re not), it can be very helpful to use the small bits of downtime throughout your day.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Get a pen pal on a chat app such as HelloTalk. Use any downtime to read and send messages.
  • Use digital flashcards on your phone. Use any spare moment you have to practice them—on the bus, in a queue, walking between class, etc.
  • Use a beginner course that has a cellphone app (like LinguaLift – we’ve got one).
  • Listen to podcasts while walking or driving, or during any other time you’d otherwise not have to carefully focus. The largest benefit of podcasts is that you can use them even when doing other tasks, such as cooking or cleaning.
  • Carry a book with you.

Learn a new Language with LinguaLift

Change the language of the devices you use An easy change you can make to your lifestyle is to use your target language with all of your devices. The extra input can be helpful, and it actively encourages you to learn new words.

However, don’t get discouraged if you find this frustrating, there are a plenty of other ways to immerse yourself in the target language.

The early bird Sometimes timing is everything when you’re trying to pick up a new skill, and this definitely applies to language learning! If you struggle to incorporate language learning throughout your day, how about starting your day off with it instead? Your brain is at its freshest when you first wake up and spending some time on your target tongue means that you can check something important off your list before even leaving the house. Instead of reaching for your phone to browse Facebook or check your e-mails, how about spending those first 10 minutes reviewing with a language app? And don’t turn on the TV to catch the news, instead switch on a radio station and listen to the news in a foreign language. There are even podcasts out there dedicated to sharing the news in shorter, slower snippets for those looking to learn! Getting to your language learning first thing in the day means that you won’t feel guilty later on if you haven’t found the time or the means to use it.

Try a free lesson with Lingualift today!

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