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Learning a foreign language on a budget

Budget is an important consideration for many people. There is no direct correlation between price and quality — many poor resources cost money, while many of the decent resources on the internet are free. However, there is a general trend towards paid resources being better. Paying for something that is recommended by others and works for you can be a good investment.

If you prefer a cheaper option, a good path could be using text, audio, or video explanation or free online course in combination with a listen-and-repeat course. If you’re willing to spend a bit of money to make your life easier, you will likely find value in using a paid online course in combination with a personal tutor to help you practice and identify errors. At LinguaLift, we offer both, an online textbook, and an expert tutor to support your progress along the way.


Flashcards are the perfect tool for learning new words and helping you remember grammatical constructions. You should endeavour to use at least some kind of flashcard system. Pick the one you like most and will likely stick with.

Learn a new Language with LinguaLift

The most popular flashcard software is Anki. Anki is popular due to its large community, functionality, customisability, and clean interface. The flipside is that there can be a fairly steep learning curve, depending on what you want to do with it.

Anki allows its users to export and share flashcard decks they make. There are many pre-made shared decks for you to use to get started. If you’re a complete beginner, find a deck with words ordered by frequency. The best decks also have example sentences. Feel free to download multiple and try them out. We recommend you eventually learn to make your own cards. This allows you to add words that you find personally relevant and useful. You will find yourself confused by Anki at some point, so it is recommended to read the manual soon after you download it. If you prefer something simpler, there are lots of alternatives:

– Anki: includes an iPhone app (paid) and an Android app (free)

– Memrise: An online flashcard program that focuses on using mnemonics

– Clozemaster: A flashcard program that teaches using fill-the-blank sentences that features a rather gamified interface

– Quizlet: An online flashcard system

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